A long time ago, 1974, I was married in the service and we were in Victorville, California.And my girlfriend came to me and she was a huge Price is Right fan. And she was so excited. She said, “Oh my God.We have tickets for T.P.I.R.!”
This is me . . . when they called me down to come on down.

I went into my closet that day.I looked through the closet and I thought, “What could I find that would look good on TV?" Because I just knew I was going to win.

So I got up on the stage to begin with a trip from LA to Vegas on the Celebrity Train, so it’s round-trip, and they included a two-hundred-fifty dollar gift certificate book with discounts and stuff. That got me up. Then I won the grocery game and from that I won a television set and a sofa.

It was true excitement. True, just fun! It was so much fun to win, to know you were going to be on TV, to want everybody to watch you on TV, and you want everybody to watch you win. It was so cool! It was awesome! It was just fun.

So then my Showcase was a disco bar, which was very cool in the ‘70s. And it was carpeting, and it was a Wal-Vac vacuum cleaning system, and I think that’s all. I can’t remember unless I see something else in these pictures. Oh, a dining room set! A total dining room set, with the hutch and table and chairs, and just a gazillion dishware, place settings. Falscraft, that was the big thing then. The dishes were quite popular. I don’t think you can see them, but they were very popular in the seventies. They were brown and they had this ugly, but I thought they were cool at the time, dripping with white on the edges. They were God awful, but in the seventies it was cool.

Every now and then someone will just start talking about the Price is Right. I don’t know why. Then I’ll just kind of pipe in and go, “I was on.” And then they’ll go, “NO. What, did you win the Showcase?” “Yes!” And they don’t believe it. So I show them the pictures. That’s why I was so glad my brother took the pictures. That’s my proof.

Susan is my sister, and that's my brother, Brian, with her in the film. This was a big deal in our family. We had to take pictures of Sue on the TV as I don't think VCR's had yet been invented!