When I turned nineteen I moved to L.A. I would always say to my friends, “Come on you guys, come with me to the Price is Right.”Everybody was like, “No, no.We don’t want to go to the Price is Right.” So I kept harassing everybody and then finally one day, two friends agreed to go with me. I always dreamed that some day I would go on the Price is Right. I knew that it wasn’t just a dream; it was going to become reality. I just knew. Some things in life you just know.

At the time, Janice Pennington, the model, had written a book.She had written a romance novel. She was outside of the theater signing copies. Me being cocky, I walked up to her and I said, “Hi Janice. My name’s Chad and I’m going to see you later on stage.” She kind of laughed, and I walked away.
So I got up there and the first item up for bid was a diamond necklace. Janice came out and she was holding it. I don’t think it really registered at that point that I was the guy that said that to her. She’s showing it to me, and I don’t know why but I just thought in my mind fifteen hundred dollars. We all bid and I bid fifteen hundred dollars. Bam! I won. It was fifteen ten. Just luck

They start the second half of the show, and I remember there was like one kid in particular.He is the exact reason why I love this show. He was a young kid, and they surprised him and gave him the chance to win a car. He actually won the car, and he did back flips on stage for like thirty minutes. It was the funniest thing you’ll ever see. And that is totally why people love the show.

So here I am, living out one of my life dreams, and I made it to the Showcase Showdown of the Price is Right.

The skit was: the girls are out at the beach and they’re digging around for some keys, and they find some keys in the sand.They whip open the doors and it’s to a motor scooter, and I’m like, “Cool!” So then the girls are digging around some more and they find another set of keys! They whip open the doors again and it’s a little wave jumper boat. I’m like, “Wow, this is pretty cool!” Then the girls are digging around and they find ANOTHER set of keys, so they whip open the doors and it’s a car. I had to laugh. It was a Ford Festiva, which is a really really small car. But it’s still a pretty good Showcase. So now in my mind I’m like, “What am I going to do? Am I going to bid? Am I going to pass?” I don’t know. I was freaking out in my mind.Then they’re about to cut to the other Showcase and they say, “Wait a minute . . . the girls found ANOTHER set of keys!!!”They whip open the doors and it’s ANOTHER car, a Chrysler Concorde. Everybody’s like, “Oh my God!!!” That’s two cars, a boat, and a motor scooter in one Showcase Showdown. And here it is for me! I’m up there and it is happening to me! I’m freaking out

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