My name’s Carolyn Campbell, I’m from Overland Park, KS and this is my Grandma Lolly Campbell.

And this is my lovely nametag. My Grandmother went this past October for her 80th birthday~ she’s watched it for her whole life. My Aunt & Uncle took her. And they also got a signed picture of Bob Barker, ‘To Lolly- Happy 80th Birthday, Bob Barker.’ So that was a good trip.

After I won when I was there I was like, ‘I gotta call my Grandma,’ so I get back to the hotel and get my cell phone and I’m like, ‘Grandma! Are you sitting down- yes- I was on The Price Is Right today,’ she was like, ‘oh Carolyn,’ ‘And they called me to Contestant’s Row,’ ‘Oh Carolyn!,’ ‘And I got up on stage,’ ‘oh Carolyn,’ ‘and I won $7600 worth of stuff,’ ‘oh Carolyn that’s wonderful!

I like to guess the prices, I’m very price-conscious in everything I do, and everything I buy, it has to be on special sale, or clearance rack or something. And now my husband sits and watches it with me, and we try to outdo each other, you know, who’s going to be the winner today?

I know this guy through another friend who I think two years ago he made a Plinko costume- the game Plinko as a costume. He always likes to do really interesting and odd costumes and they have to be really time consuming to make cuz Halloween I think is his favorite holiday. So he made this Plinko costume that’s just this big board and you put the things in and it has these little sticks and pokes down and then the whole night at Halloween people got to play Plinko on my friend Jay.

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